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Chairperson's Update - January 2024

Nathaniel Hall

Happy New Year Everyone. I trust you had a joyous festive season with family and friends.

Now it’s back to business!

The first play of the season ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ by Oscar Wilde was well-received by audiences. One commentor even remarked that they thought it the best amateur production they had ever seen! The cast worked hard to perfect accents and moves and very much brought the script alive. Well done to everyone involve.

This was followed by our pantomime which has become a very popular production and again was sold out. An excellent job was done by all involved, but especial praise is due to Jackie this being her first time as director. Apart from a few mishaps with the laying of the golden eggs (which actually turned out to be hilarious!) ‘Mother Goose’ ran smoothly and was enjoyed by all who came to see it.

The February play, ‘Whipping It Up’ by Steve Thompson, is already in rehearsal and promises to be full of laughs. Set in Westminster a week before Christmas the new Tory government is facing dissent over its latest bill and with a majority of only three, the Whips’ office is out in full force. Good luck to Helen and her team as they work to put together this very funny play.

This will be followed in April by a drama/comedy, ‘The Kitchen Sink’ by Tom Wells. The play centres around a family from Withernsea and will be directed by Ryan Ellershaw. A funny and tender play about big dreams and small changes.

The final production will be ‘World of Musicals’, scheduled later than usual (25th - 30th June) and including matinees on the Saturday and Sunday. James is in the process of setting up auditions for solo parts sometime in February and has already got around twenty interested in taking part. The production will also include our youth theatre groups. Rehearsals will start late in April.

The Executive have put together the next season (24/25) and auditions will be held on 17th March. More details to follow.


Many of you will have seen the recent improvements to the theatre. The bar upstairs has been extended, and new carpet laid there, on the stairs and along the corridor to the auditorium. A massive thanks must go to Jackie for organising the carpet fitting and for her work on extending the bar. Also, thanks to those who helped rip out the old carpet, no easy task!


The new recycling project has had a few teething problems which hopefully will be resolved by the next play. Thank you to everyone who tried to use the correct bins in the upstairs bar.


A few of us met with a representative from HSL in September, this is the company overseeing the development plans for Gatley Golf Club. He explained planning must go through a number of committees before approval and assured us that final details will be discussed with us before any development takes place.

In the meantime, we will continue to give the very best service possible to our patrons and the surrounding community.



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